Maria José Etulain


Dr. Etulain was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

She has founded in 2005 MJE COMERCIO EXTERIOR and was its Director until 2022. 

Lawyer graduated from Belgrano University, and Master in Business Administration (IDEA) 2000, she is specialized in foreign trade topics since 1993.

She has been technical and legal adviser in cases of dumping, subsidies and safeguards, hired by the Secretariat of Foreign Trade of the Argentine government (1993 - 1996).
She has coordinated governmental research teams of unfair practices in international trade in goods. She was part of the team of negotiation at the Mercosur table, for matters of unfair competition (1997 - 1998).
She was a legal adviser and lawyer specializing in foreign trade in the Legal Department of the Industry, Commerce and Mining Department, under the Ministry of Economy (1999).
Later in the private sector, she gave legal advice to first line companies in Customs, tax and exchange matters applicable to the import and export of goods (2000-2005).
She was a teaching assistant for the Chair of Finance and Tax Law at the Scholl of Law in Belgrano University, and guest teacher in postgraduate mastership at Buenos Aires University (1994).
Associated professor, she taught “Imports and Exports” at the School of Economics of Belgrano University (2013). Also, she has been designated as tutor for the subjects “International Trade” and “International Organizations” at the School of Distance Education in Belgrano University.

Lecturer in postgraduate activities, organized by the Institute of Public Economic Law of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital (2003 - 2004), and in academic activities organized by the Argentine Institute of Customs Law, and the Argentine Association of Fiscal Studies (2007 - 2016)
Lecturer at the Annual Forum of Foreign Trade organized by FORUM (2009 - 2012), and at the Customs Brokers Agency (2012)

Author of articles on the subject for specialized journals and national distribution journals.
Co-author of the book "Studies of Customs Law. Tribute to the 30 years of the Customs Code (Abeledo Perott).

Co-author of "Impuestos aduaneros" (Argentine 2021) and author of "Sistema antidumping OMC. Texto didáctico en español" (USA 2022)

Member of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital (Argentina).
Number´ Member of the Argentine Institute of Customs Studies.
Member of the Argentine Association of Fiscal Studies.

Languages: Spanish and English
